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Week 2: Getting started

Photo of me standing against a brutalist concrete wall next to a post for the play Nye

This week was all about getting stuck in.

I started it though with a visit to the National Theatre to see Nye, a play about the life of Aneurin Bevan.

I’d hoped it would be inspiring, and it was!

The play brought home the huge hurdles that were overcome in setting up the National Health Service and the huge impact it has had on people’s lives since.

The team I’ve joined is looking at how vaccinations are recorded in clinical ‘point of care’ systems. One of these is a system called the National Immunisation & Vaccination System, developed for recording COVID and flu vaccinations.

I was pleased to be able to observe user research sessions where some new prototypes were tested. Always really important to hear from your users!

I’ve also been trying to understand the wider landscape of NHS digital services, and so it was great to be able to join a couple of show-and-tells from teams across the NHS.

Finally, I’ve also made a start with contributing to the NHS Design System by making a few tiny tweaks and bug fixes. A small start, but I hope to do more in future.